+ 44 (0) 7866 518273 info@oakleaftreeservices.co.uk

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Tree Sculpting

Tree Sculpting

This week Oak Leaf have been invited back to a beautiful location at the foot of the Berkshire Downs to transform the remains of a Cypress tree... in to something quite different! Though most often found climbing around in trees, Rob is possibly at his happiest...

Storm Damaged Willow Tree

Emergency Tree Services. In this example OLTS were setting up to pollard a storm damaged Willow tree. A net was put in place to catch any brash that could interfere with the sluice gates downstream. Please flick through the pictures below to see an example of Oak Leaf...

Downe House

Downe House

Oak Leaf Tree Services were asked to take down a number of trees on the school site, making space for a new modern purpose built classroom and boarding house. One of the Beech trees was next to buildings and the school's main water tank, so great care was needed. A...